Proposal: Liquidity mining for Wekly Turbo ETH Staking pool

Launch liquidity mining for Weekly Turbo ETH Staking pool

Continuing the idea of @ottodv in this post

As I noticed “Weekly Turbo ETH Staking pool” has been 100% purchased (utilized) for last 2 weeks and currently sells ETH Options with high enough (less risky) strike price comparing to Daily version of the turbo

Last week pool sold turbos for 400 ETH in nominal bringing 0.6% in premiums (1.2 ETH) on locked capital (200 ETH) which represents ~31% APR on ETH

Current week pool sold turbos for 2000 ETH in nominal bringing 0.4% in premiums (4 ETH) on locked capital (1000 ETH) which represents ~20% APR on ETH

Apparently the pool has 50% collaterization ratio, which makes it more capital efficient

Considering the less-risky strategy and the success of the last weeks I think we better incentivize staking into this pool as a start

Risk notice
Keep in mind that the pool’s strategy is to sell call options on Ethereum, thus staking into the pool may result into weekly loss in the case where the call options sold by the pool expire in-the-money

I personally don’t see too many reasons whys takers should be rewarded, they already got clear risk and return. APR of 30% does not look too bad either, but I know community consider early stage strategies as a support and require mining.
Curious if it passes to voting… :slight_smile: