Proposal: Support the development of community version of Opium Finance

Good afternoon! We write with updates.

The report with logged time and task you can find here: Tempo - Codemotion (1).pdf - Google Drive

Now we have in work such tasks

  • App optimization
  • To aline dropdown
  • New phase after Wainig phase
  • If the wallet is not connected, please write “Please connect your wallet” instead of network error
  • Withdraw positions
  • Change hardcoded text from the mobile description of the pool
  • Look to the order of actions in the open maintenance popup
  • Edits for sorting
  • Edits for filtering
  • My balance on the wOPIUM page

We plan that all tasks will be completed next week. It may take a little more time for new edits if any will appear.

The result you can see on the Dev environment:

Codemotion Team