Proposal: rewards for stakers in USDT protection pool 13 MAR on Opium.Finance


We propose that the stakers of the following pool will receive the following liquidity mining rewards for the current epoch proportional to their stake in the pool:

  • Sell USDT protection 13 MAR - ~29% APR, 2’000 OPIUM


Stakers into the pool deposit their tokens and become liquidity providers for specific products such as USDT Protection. When this pool transit to the Trading phase, this liquidity is used to offer the protections. Thus, stakers play a significant role in these products, increasing available liquidity and allowing buyers to purchase bigger protections.


  • Deploy DR.OPIUM to distribute 2’000 $OPIUM proportional to stakes in the pools described above


  • Opium Team
Distribute rewards for stakers of USDT protection pool 13 MAR on Opium.Finance?
  • For
  • Against

0 voters

We have created a signalling vote to support rewards for stakers in USDT protection pool 13 MAR on Opium.Finance