Opium Protocol philosophy is to create a playground for community/other startups/everyone where they can easily create financial primitives.
Currently most of the products are suggested and built by Opium Team. However we had several experiments (gas price options, CDSs, olive oil futures, Spotify futures etc) that are built by third parties.
I would love to propose very nice allocation of new tokens to builders/authors of financial primitives.
It can be build by them using our documentation (feedback wanted), by Opium Team (our resources are not unlimited, so probably First Come First Served or even better we can create something that will win voting competition), by community together. We are just experimenting here, no problem.
I propose to do a long term allocation based on weekly TVL/Volume. So let’s say we have 100k tokens that we allocate based on share TVL or traded Volume.
On my opinion, it will
a) allocate governance fairly,
b) create lots of feedback and test of market-fit
c) increase TVL and Volume
=> at the end it makes protocol stronger
Love to hear feedback!
I would love to make an application on Opium Protocol or some UI, but I’m currently in a burn-out from my day job (full stack developer).
If I look at https://docs.opium.network/ it’s easy to conceptualize but hard to actualize / know where to begin. Also for OpiumProtocol · GitHub I can see you work with React and Typescript to build the UI, but what are the developer conventions? How can I contibute? As mentioned in another post about Builder Bounties, UI addition / improvements must be holistic.
I know the Solidity syntax and how to make e.g. ERC-20 tokens and stuff, but from https://docs.opium.network I don’t know really which steps to take the ‘For Developer’ section is not really helpful.
Guides / quickstarts / examples will help. Is there an example how to make a derivative? sID - Derivative recipe | Opium Network
A link to Oracles | ethereum.org and a Provable or Chainlink implemention of the OracleId interface would be nice.
It seems information is kind of spread on Medium, github, and the docs.
Too attract developers the documentation needs to be really good. https://docs.onflow.org/ is IMO really nice.
This is pretty helpful: Getting started resources - #2 but yet not easy to find if you start at https://opium.network
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